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FAQ About DMV Hearings After DUI Arrests in California

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Allow Us to Help You Prepare for Your DMV Court Date

Following an arrest for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) in California, you will understandably have a lot of questions and concerns regarding your future. In particular, you might be stumped by the mention of something called a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) administrative hearing. Is this a form of DUI criminal trial unique to California? Or is it something else altogether? Get these answers and more by checking out the following comprehensive list of frequently asked questions about DMV hearings and DUI court trials in California.

Of course, if you know you need legal help right away, you can contact Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau online today.

DMV Administrative Hearings - Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I have to request my own DMV hearing? - Yes, and you must do it soon. You will only have 10 days to schedule a DMV hearing after being arrested for a DUI, or else your driver’s license will be automatically suspended by the DMV; you could be certifiably innocent of drunk driving and still lose your license due to this automatic suspension. Do not hesitate a day to schedule your hearing.
  2. Does a DMV hearing substitute a DUI court date? - No. At your DMV hearing, you will be arguing to keep your keep your driving privileges. At your DUI court trial, you will be fighting the prosecution’s claims and trying to prevent incurring any criminal penalties, assuming you want to challenge your charges.
  3. Can I use a lawyer’s help for an administrative hearing? - Yes. Your DMV hearing is going to be concerned with the elements of your arrest, such as your apparent blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level and whether or not your arrest was lawful in the first place. With an attorney’s help, you can construct an argument that defends your name and driving privileges.
  4. The DMV took my license away but I was then found not guilty of my DUI – do I get my license back? - Not necessarily. The DMV has the power to keep its suspension or revocation in place, even after you are acquitted of any criminal wrongdoing, if it believes that the evidence you presented in court does not warrant a reinstatement.
  5. Can I get a restricted license if a DUI trial ended with my conviction? - If you want to get a restricted license that will allow you to drive to important locations, such as your place of occupation, you must enroll in an approved DUI treatment program, show proof of financial responsibility or car insurance, pay any related fees, and complete a 30-day suspension period.
  6. If the DMV hearing officer let me keep my license, how does that effect my DUI trial? - The DMV hearing officer is not an officer of the law or a court-appointed judge. Any decision they come to regarding your license’s suspension is entirely separate from the criminal justice system.