Long Beach Burglary Attorney
Aggressive Representation from a Team of Experienced Lawyers
Burglary charges apply to much more than just a home invasion in the middle of the night. Anyone who goes into a home, building, vehicle, or other structure with the intention of engaging in criminal activity inside can face burglary charges.
At the Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau, we recognize how serious theft crime charges can be. With convictions potentially resulting in large fines, lengthy prison terms, and a permanent mark on your record, you don't want to leave your case in the hands of an inexperienced attorney. Our Long Beach burglary lawyers share decades of experience in a variety of criminal defense cases. We pool our insight to identify the right strategies for your case – a team approach that has helped us garner favorable results for our past clients.
To learn how we can be of service to you at this time, call our office at (562) 888-9148.
Potential Consequences of Burglary Charges
California State law divides burglary into subsections when determining the appropriate charge for a crime. Depending on the nature and severity of an offense, individuals may face a misdemeanor or felony. Though burglary is not penalized as harshly as robbery or carjacking, conviction can still lead to harsh, life-changing consequences. If you are facing charges for an alleged burglary, now is the time to take action with a Long Beach defense attorney.
Penalties for burglary can include:
- Second degree burglary. This offense encompasses most forms of burglary, including looting, which is burglary during an emergency. Individuals convicted of this crime may face one year of county jail time.
- First degree burglary. Considered a more serious offense, first degree burglary includes home invasions and crimes committed when a building or structure are inhabited, or utilized as a residence. Sentences for this crime can include two, four, or six years of prison time.
- Burglary committed with explosives. Individuals can be charged with this offense if they enter a building and attempt to gain access to a vault or safe through the use of explosives. Prison terms for this crime can last three, five, or seven years.
Benefit from Our Team Approach
At the Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau, we use a team approach to push our clients’ agenda forward. Collectively, we have more than 25 years of experience and we know how to use our individual skills to fight for you. If you have been charged for burglary, we can work together to advocate on your behalf. We will take personal responsibility over your case to help you clear your name and protect your future.
As part of our commitment to providing excellent legal services to our clients, our firm prepares each case for trial. This demonstrates to the prosecution that we are serious and willing to fight on your behalf. Our theft crime lawyers have a reputation for getting the best results possible. Both of our criminal defense lawyers were selected for inclusion the list of California Super Lawyers®.
You can schedule a free case evaluation to learn more about how we can fight for your rights. Contact a theft crime lawyer from our firm today to get the legal assistance you need.

Recent Case Results
A Firm with a Proven Track Record
Charges Reduced DUI
Reduced to Infraction Forgery
Not Guilty Felony Domestic Violence with Great Bodily Injury
Reduced Felony DUI with Great Bodily Injury
No Jail or Sex Registration (2) Counts of Sexual Battery and Potential Sex Registration
Reduced Grand Theft
Charges Dismissed Domestic Violence/Drunk in public
Obtained Restraining Order
Charges Reduced Felony Receiving Stolen Property
Acquittal Domestic Violence
Dismissed Drug Possession for Sales
Dismissed Driving with Suspended License
Obtained Restraining Order
Charges Reduced Battery and Drunk in Public
Dismissed Restraining Order
Reduced Drug Possession for Sales
Reduced (13) Counts of Illegal Possession of Assault Weapons
Reduced (22) Counts of Inhabited Dwelling Shooting
Reduced DUI Drugs
Reduced to commercial burglary and no jail Felony Residential Burglary